In roaming through the products on 1000 Markets, I came across this wonderful bead artist. I can appreciate beadwork as I don't have the patience for it. These are truly works of art. Here is Dini's story about how she got started.
I have been a multi-media artist forever. Specializing in years gone by in weaving, quilting, macrame (from monumental size to macro-mini), painting, card making, but it wasn't until I found those little beads that I really became an addict. I took my first and only few classes at the Navajo Center in Arizona about 8 years ago now ~ and the rest is history. I never could follow a pattern or a kit; part way through I would take off on a tangent and end up doing my own thing.
Year after year I'd put my bead woven jewelry in a plastic box under my bed and go on to the next piece; creations came tumbling out of my head faster than I could bring them to life. As we traveled across the country, and Canada and Mexico year after year, I would get inspired by the scenery, the people, the cultures, the colors and textures and life.
From a hobby into a business.... Early last summer ('08) it became apparent that I was going to have to have hand reconstruction if I was to continue to be able to use my hands at all. Now, 3 hand reconstructions later and 6 months in casts, in order to remain productive, I have taken this "down time" to establish my electronic world existence; my shops, Facebook exposure, gallery and group memberships, etc. Everything happens for a reason!
So, the big plastic bin has been reduced to carefully numbered zip locks with a beaded jewelry item in each one. The photography tent is set up on the pool table (perfect height and I rarely played pool anyway!) and signs of a small business pop up throughout the house; so this is retirement?!
...onward.... The last cast comes off and pins come out within the next month; this time the doctor left enough fingers exposed that I was able to figure out how to bead again so I have not been completely dead in the water since surgery #3! Looking forward to hearing from other 1000 Markets members and I hope you enjoy meandering through Beadazzled of Oregon. Each piece is a unique, one-of-a-kind creation and made with the zest of spirit and heart.
Enjoy! Dini
I find that in Dini's struggles with the reconstruction of her hands, we have all benefited in her art and are grateful to have at least been able to see what beauty can be made of beads. Take a look in her
SHOP on 1000 Markets and be completely amazed.