
Wednesday, August 04, 2010

A Couple of Great Tutorials

I know, I know I said I would get my tutorial posted soon and I will but in the meantime I found a couple you might really enjoy. This first one is from Honestly ... WTF blog and is a great idea. Friendship Necklaces based upon the ever popular friendship bracelets from our youth....okay maybe not yours but mine. So if you loved those bracelets you will love these. Very bohemian if you ask me and something I would totally wear.

This next necklace is just up my alley and is made with leather scraps. It just so happens when I was in Portland last weekend I purchased some leather scraps from Scrap. What a great shop to get recycle goods for your art projects. Okay I digress, this is made from recycled leather scraps in the shape of leaves but you could cut the leather into whatever shape you like but the leaves work great. Check out Missie Krissie's tutorial...I may have to make me one of these with my scraps.

Do these two necklaces remind you of anything? I'm thinking it's the 60's and 70's all over again, now all we need is a little fringe. Oh right, I already did that tutorial...check it out HERE.

1 comment:

  1. I came across the second tutorial but not the first. What wonderful colors! Yes, I would totally wear those too!
