
Friday, January 27, 2012

The New Social Media

I think that a lot of us crafters and home based business owners struggle with how to market ourselves and our artwork and this is where social media comes in. I know a lot of artists that don't even have a Facebook account for their business page.... okay why not? It is free and you can promote all you want. How many marketing strategies in life are FREE? So go now and create a page. I have one... actually I have two one for my jewelry business and one for gem trees but the Dana's Jewelry Design page gets updated more frequently kind of like my blog here.

My newest thing is Pinterest. Unlike Twitter you can search the entire site for things you might be interested in. Such as books, DIY projects or Tutorials, Home decor, Fashion, etc. I have several pin boards that are related to jewelry such as my tutorials I have written and jewelry organizers. One of the boards I have that I continue to go back to is a DIY or Things to Make board. I love to find ideas either from other pinners or from blogs that I might want to make one day. If you aren't a member of Pinterest, it just takes a minute to request membership and it is also free. If you would like to follow me, I have a button in the right hand column.

For months.... okay maybe years I have wanted to do a video of making a gem tree, well I had a customer want more detail on how to build the trunk of her tree and so I took the plunge. Since DH was still in the hospital, I used our digital camera and set it up on a tri-pod (next time I'll use the video camera). A few minutes later I had made the video and after much nail biting I was able to upload it to YouTube. I wouldn't say I am technically challenged but I felt this was a big step for me. I do plan to make a few better ones but here it is in all it's glory. LOL

Okay, I'm off to make some bran muffins. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Hi Dana. I agree with you, on the social media for marketing. I am now a new Pinterester. Headed over there now to follow you! :-)
