
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Surprises Abound

Woo Hoo, I received my Bead Soup in the mail from Janea and what a treasure. Pink, blue, brown, some found and beautiful. Now to mull on what to do with all of it...humm. This is going to be fun. Here is a peak at what I received.

Isn't that fun? I love getting mail....okay most mail.

Along with drooling over all these wonderful beads to make into a treasure I started playing around today with the embellishments for my Hampton Fat Book pages. It started out as  wire/button flowers and then just bloomed from there.

This could possibly be one of the new tree designs for my second book. What do you think? I think the flowers could be done in a variety of wire colors such as pink (my favorite) with either gold or silver wire for the tree sculpture. Button collectors may also like this as it would really show off a collection. (Lisa you out there...ha ha). Now to come up with a name.

Happy Days.


  1. Dana,
    I'm glad you enjoyed your mail! I think my package arrived on the same day too. I am in the process of photographing the wonderful soup you sent to me! I think we are kindred spirits. How did you know that I was in desperate need of blue-blue and cobalt colored beads? That was next on my list to "round out" my collection. I can't wait to post my pictures on my blog, but it will have to wait until Monday.

    Your pendants and found charms are awesome and just up my alley! Thanks again.-Janea

  2. Anonymous9:28 AM

    OMGoodness! I LLOOVVEE that button tree! A name? How about the "buttonwood tree". Could be like dogwood, or the more unpopular cottonwood.

    I missed the bead soup party this time around...way too much drama up in here! I hope Lori plans another one soon. Can't wait to see what you make with the goodies!

  3. How much fun are Bead Soup boxes????

  4. lovely colors...yipee!
