
Friday, July 09, 2010

Teachers Showcase

Well the Teachers Showcase turned out to be quite fun after I cooled off. It was really hot yesterday and I don't think I drank enough water. I'll drink more to make up for it today. Here are a few pics I took with my cell phone, not the best quality.

My table set up


Teacher Lynn Krestel who teaches Creating Memento Resin Charms and her sister Jill (seated)
Lynn has some very cool charms made with old photos and bits and pieces of old letters. Anything that you might want to keep as a memento. If you want to check out Lynn's blog visit her HERE or her Etsy shop HERE.

Lots of great classes being offered this weekend. My class is tonight and it sold out yesterday (I had one last spot to fill). It's going to be a hectic 3 hours with 12 students.  I'll be sure to take my camera today and get some shots of the great art bead vendors for all you ABS enthusiasts and some of my class of students. What fun!


  1. Good luck with your class! That looks like a fun happening to be a part of. I wished I lived closer! We could pal around checking out all the other classes!

  2. thanks for the kind words! i have been travelling and just got a chance to catch up!
    glad to hear your class went well...hope to see you again in the fall!!
    lynn : )
