
Thursday, June 03, 2010

Time for the Show

It's that time of year where I don my kitchen apron and cook for our local gem and mineral club show. If you are in Western Washington you might like to attend. It is free to the public and we will have vendors, demonstrators, display cases, silent auction, kids activities and a raffle area as well as the lunch counter. Everything from rough rock to polished gems and beads will be displayed and for sale.

When June 4-6, 2010
Where:  Fruitland Grange
112th Street and 86th Ave East
Puyallup, Washington
Time:  Friday  12 Noon to 6 PM
Saturday 10 AM to 5 PM
Sunday   11 AM to 4 PM

I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Weekend. We went to the beach in the rain....oh so much fun with all the rain and mud. We did have one day of no rain, but obviously at the beach it was cold and windy but the dogs loved it.

If you want to follow along I joined the bead soup party (see link at the side) as well as the {Make} Sew Along. The beads I received from my partner are great and I already have my necklace started. I haven't started my sewing project yet, but will after this weekend is over and can concentrate on it.

1 comment:

  1. I miss the beach! I can't wait to see what you made with the beads I sent you! I'm all excited!
