
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Love Knot Cluster Ring - Tutorial Part 2

Here's where we build on what we made yesterday. I have added yesterday's photo as a reminder, but you will need to go back and review those steps as indicated. Please excuse my dry cracked hands and fingers, hazards of working with wire. I was going to put some hand cream on but it is hard to work with wire when your hands are slippery.

This is what we will be making today.

Follow steps 1-8 above.

1. Twist wires on top of ring and curl them flush against themself (this is kind of hard to explain so I would refer to the sample picture.

2. Knot on top of ring should be in a more upright position vs. flat against the ring like in the love knot.
3. Gather additional supplies such as various beads (I use predominately 4-6mm) and head pins. Good way to use up some beads that get separated from your others as you can mix and match if you want. I keep a little jar to throw my extras in when I'm finished with a design.
4. Make sure your beads will fit your head pins (the pearls I had laid out didn’t work so I had to use other ones).
5. String your beads on the head pin start to make a wrapped loop.
6. Insert it onto one of the ring loops
7. Secure the end wire of the wrapped loop for this bead
8. Continue making wrapped loops on your beads and adding them to your ring alternating the sides.
9. Finished ring
10. A few more rings

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial series. I would love to hear your comments and see pictures if you have made any of these rings.


  1. Holy cow...okay, so if someday I'm so inclined to make these suckers can I sell them? If I give you credit for the design???? And for teaching me? :)

    Not that I have time to do it right now but I love the look of the simple knot ring and it would go perfect with my other Love Knot designs.

  2. Okay Megan, you have twisted my arm. You can make and sell them. These are so easy. The simple knot ring takes probably a total of 10 minutes or less depending upon how much polishing you have to do so you should have time to make a few.

    Ann if you really want one, I'll have some for sale in my ArtFire studio soon.

  3. Hi Dana, Great tute again! I will link in a future blog post!!

  4. This is gorgeous! I would love to try to make one! I'm very crafty, but for some reason I'm horrible with jewelry tools. Any tips for a beginner?

  5. Hi, your photos are great. very neat and clear.

  6. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Does anyone know what kind and size of wire is being used to make this ring?

    1. Thanks for your comment and it would be confusing if you didn't see the Part 1. Here is the link that explains how to make the base of the ring. I used copper wire that was 14 gauge.

      This is a fun ring. Hope you try it out.

    2. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Thank you for the prompt answer and info, I can't wait to try this:)

    3. Anonymous12:57 PM

      I saw the tutorial part 1 and your right makes more sense. I was wondering what size bead caps you use? or are those spacers? Also I noticed that to make the love knot we tuck the ends under the bottome then in part two we lift them back up, is this so we can file off the sharp points? Thanks for your help

    4. Hi, if you just want the love knot ring then leave the ends tucked under (tutorial 1). If you want the loop ring you tuck them on the top. Two different rings but made very similar. The caps were for a size 6mm bead and there are some spacers in there also.

    5. Anonymous9:53 PM

      Hello, I was wondering if you could tell me why I am having such a difficult time finding 14 gauge copper wire or any kind of 14 gauge wire? I have been to four Michaels craft stores I have been to Joanns and Hobby Lobby and they sell 16 gauge and above. Is it a rare size? Where can I find it? Thank you:)

    6. I guess I never really thought about some of the local stores not carrying that gauge of wire. You could try the 16 gauge. I buy my wire from or Rio Grande. I checked and today it is cheaper from Rio Grande. Here is the link.

    7. Anonymous2:43 AM

      Thanks for the info, think I am going to try the 16 gauge first:)
