
Thursday, January 07, 2010

Cleaning Out or Cleaning Up

This week has been my cleaning week for the craft room. Okay not only cleaning but organizing. My craft items have somehow managed to escape their room and have overflowed into the hall, the living room and the garage. If it is in the garage, it may just have to live there for awhile.  Ugg. What to do now? So, I'm consolidating boxes of wire and beads and other craft supplies into my cabinets and labeling. The problem is when I see something and it spurs an idea to make something else. That was my problem yesterday. I found an old necklace that hadn't sold and decided that I just had to remake it into a double strand bracelet. After getting it all torn apart and organized, I came to my senses and started putting all the beads into their respective containers to work on another day.

So, this morning while reading blogs and drinking my coffee I had this idea for an inspiration board that I could post in my craft room. Problem is my craft room doesn't have any walls available to hang anything. I can just envision these boards with beading and crafting ideas posted all over them just waiting for me to have time to make them. I have a couple of memory boards that would be just perfect. Maybe I can get them to hang on the brick wall behind my table. I've never tried to hang anything on brick, maybe I'll google it and see how it could be done.

Okay, that's all for me this morning, I have work in that endless pit of a craft room. I hope everyone has a great day.


  1. You could leave it where it is and call it organized confusion. :D

  2. Congrats on the (more) organized space. I converted my unused guest room into a studio last fall, but it's still pretty chaotic. I keep thinking "one day" I'll get it straightened out...
