
Friday, July 18, 2008

One Busy Summer

I haven’t had a whole lot of time to blog lately with the vacations, shows, getting the house ready for guests and searching for a new dog to adopt. Yes, we are adopting a new dog. We get him tomorrow. He is a Shitsu and 2 years old, just neutered yesterday and we are hoping he will get along fine with our other male dog, Buddy, who is also 2. Here is a picture of Leo. He really needs a hair cut, but that will have to wait for a week or so until he can get a bath when the stitches heal.

Other than that I have had a lot of interest in my opals, the carved flowers by Kathy Stanley and my wire wrapped pendants. At the Federation show I purchased several opals that I need to polish and wrap. Since that won't take me long, I'll probably do those next. Another club member asked if I could wrap another one for her, so I still have that to do in the next couple of weeks. Since we have the Tenino show the weekend of the 26th, I’ll try to get a lot of my special orders completed then as I will have two full days to be creative. Which reminds me, I need to get an order of wire off since I am running low.

My grandson and his mom are coming to visit the week of the 28th so we have been planning activities that he would enjoy. In doing all this kid research we have some up with so many things that we think he will enjoy, so it should be a fun week. I’ll post some pictures of the big vacation the first week of August.

In my gem tree blog, I’ve indicated that my book on how to make gem trees will be out later this year. I’m hoping that by the first of November the books will be available, so stay tuned if you want to get one of the books. If you buy the books directly from me vs. the book publisher or Amazon, etc., I will autograph it. I’m also researching video cameras as I want to make a companion video (purchase separately) to make on the Standard Gem Tree. If anyone has any recommendations on a good cheap camcorder to purchase, please let me know.

Have a great weekend and I’ll post more pictures later of the dogs.

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